Web Reputation

on social media




About us


Executive Reputation




Our values

Reputation Manager’s values

Our values


  • We have a strong scientific basis that pushes us far beyond the analysis service
  • We guide companies towards the best solutions to their actual needs
  • Our strategies include planning, precision and attention to detail
  • Our work aims at excellence and accuracy, with the added values of concreteness and conciseness


  • Our strength comes from combining several disciplines towards a single goal
  • We value teamwork and encourage synergy among talents
  • Our services are based on proprietary tools and processes
  • We develop technological solutions designed to integrate with our customers’ infrastructures


  • We are the pioneers of Ingegneria Reputazionale® and we have a wealth of experience in this area
  • We challenge ourselves to be the first in our market
  • We consider the future as an active agent to in predicting trends and changes
  • We invest in research and we offer our knowledge to the academic community


  • Confidentiality towards our customers is a primary value in our modus operandi
  • Ensuring the security of the data we handle is a fundamental principle
  • Always verifying the good faith of those who request our services is one of our main duties
  • Always acting according to a precise Code of Ethics is a fundamental axiom for us