Web Reputation

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Executive Reputation





Online reputation of brands, companies and individuals


❯  Crisis management ❯ 

Crisis management
The reputational crisis management support service is designed to guide the brand through the most delicate phases of managing an online crisis.

❯  Price intelligence ❯ 

Price intelligence
Price Intelligence is the service that allows the collection, analysis and comparison of the prices of products sold on e-commerce marketplaces. In this way, it is possible to have an overview of the pricing policies adopted by competitors, monitor retailers' channels and increase competitiveness.

❯  Scenarios and Topics Analysis ❯ 

Scenarios and Topics Analysis
The Scenarios and Topics Analysis service provides an analysis of online conversations aimed at intercepting opinions and influencers on specific topics.

❯  Anti-counterfeiting ❯ 

The online anti-counterfeiting support service provides an overview of the online trade of products and an early detection of possible violations in terms of copyright and IT law.

❯  Competitor Analysis ❯ 

Competitor Analysis
The Competitor Analysis service provides an analysis of the reputation of the brand's competitors. It is a comparative web-listening service which focuses on the collection of online content related to one or more competitors of the brand.

❯  Reputation Monitoring ❯ 

Reputation Monitoring
Online reputation monitoring through the day-by-day acquisition and analysis of the new content published from the moment the analysis is activated.

❯  Reputational Analysis ❯ 

Reputational Analysis
Online reputation analysis for companies, brands, products, services or individuals.

❯  Right to be forgotten ❯ 

Right to be forgotten
Reputation Manager offers support in procedures aimed at protecting one's right to be forgotten whose objective is to remove harmful content online.

❯  Reputation Management ❯ 

Reputation Management
The reputation management service helps build, control, enhance and defend the client's online reputation.

❯  Print media analysis ❯ 

Print media analysis
A reputational analysis service relating to print media.

❯  Removal of damaging links ❯ 

Removal of damaging links
Detection, identification and removal of content that is harmful to a brand's reputation.

❯  Countering fake news ❯ 

Countering fake news
A service dedicated to directly countering fake news that damages the reputation of brands, companies and institutions.

❯  Brand protection ❯ 

Brand protection
Protection of the brand from defamation and genericide.

❯  Reputation24 ❯ 

Reputation24 is the first round-the-clock online reputation monitoring service, the only one on the market to provide a dedicated team of analysts and the necessary technology for 24/7 web monitoring.

❯  Dark Web Intelligence ❯ 

Dark Web Intelligence
The Dark Web Intelligence service aims to support private companies and the public sector in analysing the content related to them on the dark web.